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Western Culture: Project 3 - Turning Points Project: Home


Turning Points Topics List
1. Council of Nicaea (325)
2. Council of Chalcedon (451)
3. Benedict’s Rule (530)
4. Coronation of Charlemagne (800)
5. Great Schism, The (1054)
6. Diet of Worms (1521)
7. English Act of Supremacy (1534)
8. Founding of the Jesuits (1540)
9. French Revolution (1789)
10. Plague, The
11. Invention of the Printing Press
12. Bible Translation
13. Exploration of the New World
14. Spanish Inquisition
15. Luther’s 95 Theses
16. Vatican II
17. Great Awakening, The

Useful Print Sources!

Databases for the project

Grading Rubric

Turning Points Discussion Grading Checklist


Instructions: A list of important events/inventions will be passed around in class. You will research one of these topics. You will create a 1 page handout including your findings on why this event/invention was pivotal or most important in the development of the church. We will have 1 or 2 class discussions where you will be required to share your findings.


Peer Editor: ____________________

Turning Points Grading Checklist:

General Paper Requirements

Grammar and Spelling: ____­­______

Usage and Clarity: ______________

Appropriate Citations: ____________

Organization: ____________________

Header: ______Bibliography:_______

Specific Content Requirements

Historical Location/Significance:____

Influence on Christianity:___________

Other Areas of Interest/Facts:_______

Adequate Investigation/Research:____

Adequate Explanation:____________

Discussion Questions: _____________


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