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Science, IP Aldstadt: Home


You must use at least 3 sources, including a print/book source. 



What do I include?

What should be included in your project?

1. The first, middle and last name of your scientist.

2. A mug shot (picture of your scientist).

3. Years living (examples: 1901-1959; 1973 - ?) and family members

4. Their field of study (for example: biology, zoology, marine biology, botany)

5. The country they were born in.

6. the school the scientist attended.

7. Where they did/do their work.

8. other people with whom your scientist worked.

9. A description, in your own words, of what your scientist is most famous for.

10. Pictures, graphics or illustrations of what your scientist is famous for.

11. A paragraph, in your own words, explaining how their accomplishment has benefited the world. Include An event (war, discovery, invention, etc.) that happened in history while each scientist lived.

12. Two interesting facts about your scientist.

13. A quote by your scientist

14. A place named after your scientist (may not apply)

15. list at least 3 sources used to conduct your research, one must be a book. 

16. You must have a works cited page.


Assignment and Schedule

You have 4 choices for the type of project that you complete.

  1. Write a front-page news story/article about your scientist and explain how he/she and the invention, discovery, contribution affects your life.
  2. Create a printed children’s book, important details about your famous scientist, including pictures.
  3. Create a full color wanted poster of your famous scientist including all-important facts.
  4. Write an obituary/tribute about your scientist’s life and contribution to science and create a tombstone for their grave.


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Thus their slogan, "Smart Tools. Smart Research."