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History, WH1: Early African Project: Mr. Kemble - Early Africa

Mr. Kemble's Questions

Research Topics- African Kingdoms

What beliefs did many early Africans share about their ancestors, and how did they honor them?

What are the achievements of the Nok? 

Describe the complex social systems that had been developed by Bantu-speaking peoples by AD 900.

Describe the common artistic traditions of early Africans.

What led to the decline of the Aksum? 

Describe the effect of monsoons on the African coastal city-states?

Describe East African trade with Asia. (exports, imports, who, where, why)

Explain where and how Swahili developed.

What is Great Zimababwe and what happened to it?

How did the location of Ghana affect its development as a trading empire?

Who is Mansa Musa? Describe his pilgrimage to Mecca and the effect it had in Europe.

Who is Askia Muhammad? How did he develop the economy of Songhai?

Compare the Yoruba kingdoms with the kingdom of Benin.

Describe the Ghana gold and salt trade and the effect it had in western Africa.

Describe the roles of men and women in a typical West African family and village.

Compare and contrast the Kingdoms of West Africa (Mali, Ghana) with those of East Africa (Ethiopia).

Describe the impact Islam had in Africa.

Describe the impact Christianity had in Africa.


Africa: Database Resources


1. Each student should find at least three (3) sources to answer their question: 

A: Database Resource: 

B: Website Source

C: Book Source

Please look at the resources provided in this guide. 

2. Cite each source in NoodleTools. 

3. Write up the annotated bibliography.  

4. Set up a notecard in NoodleTools for each source with information to help you answer your questions.

Include paragraph numbers or page numbers with the information you find.  


Images and information! 

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